The 9th year: TVT service and facility upgrade 熱真空測試服務與系統升級。
- Enhance performance of thermal vacuum chamber: a new thermal source is equipped with the TVC to extend temperature range (-90℃ to +100℃) and support higher thermal load (~150 W at -80℃).
強化熱真空艙的溫度測試範圍與熱負載能力。 - Provide thermal vacuum test service to industry: SPL successfully performs thermal vacuum test on FORMOSAT-5 FPA/EQM in a continuous operation of a pre-defined temperature cycle for CMOS Sensor Inc. and on FORMOSAT-7 FOG/EQM for NSPO before the end of this year.
提供產業界(微像科技)與研究單位(國家太空中心)熱真空測試環境服務。 - Launch Sounding Rocket IX to measure ionospheric plasma irregularities over Taiwan and evaluate ASM performance: E-region plasma irregularities (Es layers) were successfully detected in the upleg path. All sensors work well and meet requirements.
發射探空九號,進行科學任務。成功獲得台灣上空電漿參數剖面與 E 層電漿不規則體的結構。 - Install an aspectmeter onboard Sounding Rocket X: The MEMS-based aspectmeter is a modified version used in SR-VIII and SR-IX mission. It can be used in a high spin condition and also to monitor yo-yo de-spin process of the SR-X in a real-time fashion.